

when the world throws itself at you
when your parents are ashamed of you
when everything that was once perfect is falling apart around you
when the fights you face are mostly within you
when the pain seems to possess you


for you will possess power over pain
for you will silence the voices within you
for you will fix all that is falling apart
for you will show your parents that they shouldn’t have been ashamed
for you will throw back the pressures of the world

and you? you will triumph.


The Comforting Chill of Transition (2015)

“As Autumn draws to a close,
tattered leaves turn to dust.
Still, they are better dust than flame!
Warmth fades so easily into nostalgia,
yet quicker still into hope.
Winter’s cool breath speaks of simplicity;
this is joyous! And above all else:
It is freeing.”

Untitled (2016)

“What is soft and great and tugs at the heart strings;
it has led me here and here I will wait
until the ground underneath my feet stabilizes,
and sunshine will fill up the empty space.”

Melancholy Dusk (2016)

“The hopelessness is here– Alas!
It rests just above my heart,
sings a song of loneliness;
threatening to tear me apart.
Thus, through its careful ways of precision,
I am found torn in two.
All because of a hopelessness
that told me there was nothing I could do.”

The Thinker of Heavy Thoughts (???)

“The thinker of heavy thoughts
really ought not be thinking what she thought.
Though she believes that she ought,
her dense and melancholic thoughts
will not bring her what she sought;
For she really ought not
be thinking such heavy thoughts.”